Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Blog Hop!

WHENEVER, you get a chance to add an actual published author as a friend on Facebook, you do it! She posted as her status to see if anyone was interested in a "Blog Hop" my first question was, "What is that?" second question was, "Do I really want to start a Blog?" so, here I am. Blogging and stuff.

Okay, there are four questions that are the focus of this particular exercise, they are as follows:

1. What are you working on?

Currently, I'm working on getting my second novel finished. My first work was Death of a Poet, for which I'm still seeking publication. This second story is called Santary and it is a bit dark. For the time being I can tell you it is about a well known author named Edgar Santary (a fictional character) who has been tormented by the endless request from his fans. All they want is a final book from him, something he can no longer do. (writers block) He begins to suffer from headaches and one night while searching for inspiration in Central Park, he comes across a woman who is need of help. His way of helping (do to the headache) is a little unconventional, he wants to end her life. Something he sees as the only way to help. Pretty dark stuff...

2. Hos does my work differ from other's in its genre?

Hmm, though question. Considering I don't really have a genre per say. What I can say that the main focus of all my work is to write as honestly as possible. "All you have to write is one true sentence. Write the truest sentence you know" Ernest Hemingway.
I've based my whole writing style on that quote alone, from the thoughts of my characters, to my thoughts of my characters. All my work will be honest, it will be dirty and it will stir you; for good or bad.

3. Why do I write what I do?

I do what I do because I do what I do. Honestly, I do it because like many authors I don't have a choice. Any single person can silence their lips for an eternity but no single person can silence the heart, soul and mind. My flesh may be weak and scared but my words on paper are fierce and true.
That and I also feel like we as a society no longer speak up, something that troubles me deeply.


4. How does your writing process work?

I don't know, if you ever find out, please tell me. Nah, I kid, I kid. Unfortunately I cannot write during the day, so most if not all my work comes at night. Not really a morning person so I have to wait until my mind is awake. Usually around 7 PM. I don't outline, or plot or anything. Actually, I feel rather strange to even say it but I only write what the characters do. Put in more poetic ways, I'm but a vessel in which the magic that is story telling unfolds. And even if if makes me sound crazy (believe me it does) my characters are real, they choose and live as their own. The only way I could ever write is by coming up with an idea for a story and then BOOM, a character introduces himself to me through his choices. I'm just the guy upstairs, watching him or her as he or she lives and dies for our pleasure.

Well, there you have it. Blog Hop! Big shout out to the talented Lisa Crane, you can find her blog here.
Be sure to check out her amazing work and comment if you would like to participate in our Blog Hop!

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